The first steps in designing a pantry

Graphic design is a profession whose business is to design, program and create visual communication, which is usually created with industrial methods and is intended to deliver certain messages to specific social groups. This is the activity that enables graphic transfer of ideas, facts and values ​​that have been processed and synthesized in form and communication, socially, culturally, economically, artistically and technically. Also known as visual communication design, because some people equate the term figure with printing and fail to see that visual messages are conveyed through a variety of media, not just print.

When it comes to preparation, measures and goals, the definition of the graphic design profession is relatively new. Although there is no agreement on the exact era of graphic design creation, some believe it occurred during the interwar period. Others realize that the late nineteenth century began to identify itself as such.

It is clear that distinct goals for visual communication stem from Paleolithic cave paintings and the advent of written language in the third millennium. C. However, due to variations in work techniques and teaching in auxiliary science, it is impossible to clearly link the current graphic artist to the ancient man, 15th century xylographers or 1890 lithography.

The diversity of meaning reflects the fact that one sees graphic design as a product and all other graphic demonstrations as a result of the application of a model of industrial production, the visual manifestations that are "projected" take into account the needs of different types: symbolically productive ergonomic context .

Many activists are now collaborating with the help of digital gadgets. The face of a dream has changed considerably since the invention of the computer. According to the first printing system, PCs have steadily replaced the digital process since 1984. As a result, the Internet is a necessary tool for computers and the Internet, and its function has been transformed into a communication tool.

Furthermore, the technology is visible in telecommunications and has begun to establish a distinct audience. This change has increased the demand for leave, demonstrations and negotiations. However, there was no significant change in the design of a professional strategy. Although the image of production has changed, as has the development of communication, the basic premise that allows us to understand such human ties remains.